Thomas Jefferson

"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."

We live in a world full of a multitude of opposing ideas about what is right and what is wrong; what is good and what is bad; about capitalism versus Marxism, socialism and even communism; should we live in a nanny state and let the government take care of us or should we the people take care of ourselves.

When I look around to try to find other people that share my points of view, no one is more reasonable and make sense to me than Thomas Jefferson. From his ideas stated in the United States Declaration of Independence, to his promotion of the ideals of the Republic, liberty and freedom, no other politician share my thoughts and ideas to the extend president Jefferson does.

Probably, the best way to summarize it all is to use Jefferson's first inaugural address stating the purpose of the Federal government in the following 5 folds:

"Acknowledge and adore God". Without this purpose we couldn't understand the source of our "unalienable rights". If we stray from this idea, than people can give us rights and consequently people can take our rights away.

"Exercise frugality". This encompasses both frugality in spending and that of power.

"Restrain the infliction of injury". The government's job is to keep bad guys under control in order to preserve public safety. The government is not supposed to regulate the good guys.

"Encourage entrepreneurship and free enterprise". The government purpose is to be business friendly since business not government creates jobs.

"Protect the property and earnings of citizens". The house I buy is mine. Unlike communist and social regimes that try to take away private property, the US government is to protect it. Moreover, the money people earn is theirs to keep and enjoy. The government doesn't have the right to take it away. Maybe it is time to rethink the IRS.

How far have we strayed from those principles!